Holiday Giving Tree
This Holiday season, a very special Christmas tree adorns our fire station lobby. From its branches hang tags of hope and even a whish or two. Beginning December 2nd, you can be the reason someone's wish for a holiday came true. By simply choosing a tag and purchasing gifts from within your budget, you can be someone's magic this holiday. Please bring your unwrapped gifts in their original packaging to the Fire Station no later than December 19th. We will take care of the wrapping and ensure your gifts reach their families for the Holidays.
Monetary donations are accepted and may be made to the Crooked River Ranch Volunteer Fire Association. Monetary donations should be placed in the white dropbox in the Fire Station lobby.
To apply for the Holiday Giving Tree Program click here
![An announcement for a Holiday Giving Tree program by Crooked River Ranch Fire & Rescue, inviting people to pick tags and donate gifts.](